Fix technical problem in documentation for Mtb that causes a warning in
the development version of R.
negenes 2019-06-28
Convert documentation to Roxygen2 (with markdown).
negenes 2018-04-02
Small changes to avoid Note about "R_registerRoutines".
Speed up examples for negenes().
negenes 2016-05-21
Changed author() calls in inst/CITATION.
negenes 2015-09-11
Import sd from stats library in NAMESPACE.
negenes 2012-03-09
Fixed bug in negenes that could lead to a memory overrun.
negenes 2011-11-07
negenes 2011-03-20
Replaced datafile for Mtb80 with a compressed version.
negenes 2009-06-30
Added a CITATION file.
negenes 2007-10-09
Minuscule changes to the help files, to conform to a change in R.
negenes 2004-06-30
Slight revision to the negenes() function: added PACKAGE="negenes"
in the .C() call.
negenes 2004-02-02
Fixed a tiny error in the documentation.
negenes 2002-08-10
Revised the negenes function to return Rao-Blackwellized estimates
of the probability that each gene is essential, and of the posterior
mean of the total number of essential genes.
negenes 2002-07-31
Included a data object, Mtb80, containing the number of TA sites in
M. tuberculosis CDC1551 genome, by the "80% rule."
negenes 2002-07-16
Changed the argument "start" in negenes() to "startp", the initial
proportion of genes not known to be essential that will be assumed
essential to start the Gibbs sampler.
negenes 2002-07-14
Revised the package to take care of the case of insertion sites in
regions of gene overlap. It is assumed that the genes 1, 2, ..., N
are in order around the genome.