Package 'regress'

Title: Gaussian Linear Models with Linear Covariance Structure
Description: Functions to fit Gaussian linear model by maximising the residual log likelihood where the covariance structure can be written as a linear combination of known matrices. Can be used for multivariate models and random effects models. Easy straight forward manner to specify random effects models, including random interactions. Code now optimised to use Sherman Morrison Woodbury identities for matrix inversion in random effects models. We've added the ability to fit models using any kernel as well as a function to return the mean and covariance of random effects conditional on the data (best linear unbiased predictors, BLUPs). Clifford and McCullagh (2006) <>.
Authors: David Clifford [aut], Peter McCullagh [aut], HJ Auinger [ctb], Karl W Broman [ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Karl W Broman <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.3-22
Built: 2025-02-15 03:08:34 UTC

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Fit a Gaussian Linear Model with Linear Covariance Structure


Fits Gaussian linear models in which the covariance structure can be expressed as a linear combination of known matrices. For example, random effects, block effects models and spatial models that include a nugget effect. Fits model by maximising the log-likelihood of the model. The choice of kernel affects which likelihood and by default it is the REML log likelihood or restricted log likelihood but the ordinary log-likelihood is also possible. The regress algorithm uses a Newton-Raphson algorithm to locate the maximum of the log-likelihood surface. Some computational efficiencies are achieved when all variance components are associated with factors. In such a random effects model the matrix inversion is computed using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury identities.


regress(formula, Vformula, identity=TRUE, kernel=NULL,
                    start=NULL, taper=NULL, pos, verbose=0, gamVals=NULL,
                    maxcyc=50, tol=1e-4, data)



a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are the same as for lm


Specifies the matrices to include in the covariance structure. Each term is either a symmetric matrix, or a factor. Independent Gaussian random effects are included by passing the corresponding block factor.


Logical variable, includes the identity as the final matrix of the covariance structure. Default is TRUE


Compute the log likelihood based on a reduced observation TY where T has this kernel. Default value of NULL assumes that the kernal matches the fixed effects model matrix X corresponding to REML. Setting kernel=0 gives the ordinary likelihood and kernel=1 gives the one dimensional subspace of constant vectors. See examples for more details.


Specify the variance components at which the Newton-Raphson algorithm starts. Default value is rep(var(y),k).


The proportion of each step to take. A vector of values from 0 to 1 of length maxcyc. Default value takes smaller steps initially.


logical vector of length k, where k is the number of matrices in the covariance structure. Indicates which variance components are positive (TRUE) and which are real (FALSE). Important for multivariate problems.


Controls level of time output, takes values 0, 1 or 2, Default is 0, level 1 gives parameter estimates and value of log likelihood at each stage.


When k=2, the marginal log likelihood based on the residual configuration statistic (see Tunnicliffe Wilson(1989)), is evaluated first at (1-gam) V1 + gam V2 for each value of gam in gamVals, a set of values from the unit interval. Subsequently the Newton-Raphson algorithm is started at variance components corresponding the the value of gam that has the highest marginal log likelihood. This is overridden if start is specified.


Maximum number of cycles allowed. Default value is 50. A warning is output to the screen if this is reached before convergence.


Convergence criteria. If the change in residual log likelihood for one cycle is less than 10 x tol the algorithm finishes. If each component of the change proposed by the Newton-Raphson is lower in magnitude than tol the algorithm finishes. Default value is 1e-4.


an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from 'environment(formula)', typically the environment from which 'regress' is called.


As the code is running it can output the variance components, and the residual log likelihood at each iteration when verbose is non-zero.

To avoid confusion over terminology. I define variance components to be the multipliers of the matrices and variance parameters to the parameter space over which the Newton-Raphson algorithm is run. I can force a component to be positive be defining the corresponding variance parameter on the log scale.

All output to the screen is for variance components (i.e. the multiples of the matrices). Values for start are on the variance component scale. Use pos to force certain variance components to be positive.

NOTE: The final stage of the algorithm converts the estimates of the variance components and the Fisher Information to the usual linear scale, i.e. as if pos were a vector of zeroes.

NOTE: No predict functionality is provided with regress due to some ambiguity. Are we predicting conditional on the observed data. Are we predicting observations from the fitted model itself? It is all normal anyway so it is straightforward, see our paper on regress.

When you fit a Gaussian regression model using fit <- regress(y~X, ~V, kernel=K) the function computes the log likelihood based on the reduced observation $TY ~ N(TX, T V T')$, where $T$ is a linear transformation with kernel $K$. Only $n-k$ degrees of freedom are available. Ordinary likelihood corresponds to $K=0$, and REML to $K=X$, but these are not the only options.

When you fit two nested Gaussian models ($X0 subset of X1$ and $V0 subset of V1$) using the commands:

fit0 <- regress(y~X0, ~V0, kernel=K)

fit1 <- regress(y~X1, ~V1, kernel=K)

then the likelihood ratio statistic fit1$llik - fit0$llik is the ordinary likelihood ratio based on the Gaussian observation $TY$ where the kernel of T is K. So if you set kernel=0, you get the ordinary likelihood ratio based on the complete observation $y$; And if you set kernel=1, you get the likelihood ratio based on simple contrasts $y_i - y_j$ only. In the latter case, you have only $n-1$ degrees of freedom to work with. And if you set kernel=X0, you get the likelihood ratio based on contrasts $Ty$ with kernel $X0$, which for fit0 is the REML likelihood.

We recommend fitting the models with the "largest" kernel possible. For example, with models fit0 and fit1 above, we could choose K=0, or K=X0 to get the desired result. Our experience though is that the model with K=X0 may be easier to fit with regress compared with a model where K=0.



Matrix with one row for each iteration of algorithm. Each row contains the residual log likelihood, marginal log likelihood, variance parameters and increments.


Value of the marginal log likelihood at the point of convergence.


Number of cycles to convergence.


Residual degrees of freedom.


Estimate of the linear effects.


Estimate of the covariance structure for terms in beta.

Standard errors for terms in beta.


Variance component estimates, interpretation does not depend on value of pos


Covariance matrix for the variance component estimates based on the Fisher Information at the point of convergence.


Inverse of covariance matrix at point of convergence.


$I - X^T (X^T W X)^-1 X^T W$ at point of convergence.


$X beta$, the fitted values.


If identity=TRUE, decompose y into the part associated with the identity and that assosicated with the rest of the variance structure, this second part is the predicted values. If $Sigma = V1 + V2$ at point of convergence then y = V1 W y + V2 W y is the decomposition. This is the conditional expectation for new observations conditional on the observed data.


Variance of new observations conditional on the observed data


Additional variance associated with the uncertainty of beta. Can be be added to predictedVariance


Indicator for the scale for each variance parameter.


Names associated with each variance component, used in print.regress.


Copy of formula


Updated version of Vformula to include identity if necessary


Names associated with the kernel


Response, covariates and matrices/factors to be used for model fitting


Design matrices associated with the random effects, used for computation of BLUPs


David Clifford, Peter McCullagh


G. Tunnicliffe Wilson (1989), "On the use of marginal likelihood in time series model estimation." JRSS B, Vol 51, No 1, 15-27.

D. Clifford and P. McCullagh (2006), "The regress function" R News 6(2):6-10

Weisstein, Eric W. "Woodbury Formula." From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.

Weisstein, Eric W. "Sherman-Morrison Formula." From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.


  ## Comparison with lme

  ## Example of Random Effects model from Venables and Ripley, page 205


  names(Oats) <- c("B","V","N","Y")
  Oats$N <- as.factor(Oats$N)

  ## Using regress
  oats.reg <- regress(Y~N+V,~B+I(B:V),identity=TRUE,verbose=1,data=Oats)

  ## Using lme
  oats.lme <- lme(Y~N+V,random=~1|B/V,data=Oats,method="REML")

  ## print and summary


  rm(oats.reg, oats.lme, Oats)

  ## Computation of BLUPs

  ex2 <- list()
  ex2 <- within(ex2,{

    ## Set up example
    n <- 101
    x1 <- runif(n)
    x2 <- seq(0,1,l=n)
    z1 <- gl(4,10,n)
    z2 <- gl(6,1,n)

    X <- model.matrix(~1 + x1 + x2)
    Z1 <- model.matrix(~z1-1)
    Z2 <- model.matrix(~z2-1)

    ## Create the individual random and fixed effects
    beta <- c(1,2,3)
    eta1 <- rnorm(ncol(Z1),0,10)
    eta2 <- rnorm(ncol(Z2),0,10)
    eps <- rnorm(n,0,3)

    ## Combine them into a response
    y <- X %*% beta + Z1 %*% eta1 + Z2 %*% eta2 + eps

  ## Data frame containing all we need for model fitting
  regressDF <- with(ex2,data.frame(y,x1,x2,z1,z2))

  ## Fit the model using regress
  regress.output <- regress(y~1 + x1 + x2,~z1 + z2,data=regressDF)


  blup1 <- BLUP(regress.output,RE="z1")
  cov2cor(blup1$Covariance) ## Large correlation terms

  blup2 <- BLUP(regress.output) ## Joint BLUP of z1 and z2 by default
  cov2cor(blup2$Covariance)  ## Strong negative correlation between BLUPs
                             ## for z1 and z2


  ## Examples of use of kernel

  ## REML LRT for x2 which will be 0 as x2 lies in the kernel
       K <- model.matrix(~1+x1+x2)
       model1 <- regress(y~1+x1,~z1,kernel=K)
       model2 <- regress(y~1+x1+x2,~z1,kernel=K)
       2*(model2$llik - model1$llik)

  ## LRT for x2 using ordinary likelihood
       K <- 0
       model1 <- regress(y~1+x1,~z1,kernel=K)
       model2 <- regress(y~1+x1+x2,~z1,kernel=K)
       2*(model2$llik - model1$llik)

  ## LRT for x2 based on a reduced observation TY with kernel K. This
  ## LRT is approximately equal to the last one, and numerically this
  ## turns out to be the case also.
       K <- model.matrix(~1+x1)
       model1 <- regress(y~1+x1,~z1,kernel=K)
       model2 <- regress(y~1+x1+x2,~z1,kernel=K)
       2*(model2$llik - model1$llik)

  ## Two ways to drop out the 17th and 19th observations.
       n <- length(y)
       K <- matrix(0,n,2)
       K[17,1] <- K[19,2] <- 1
       model1 <- regress(y~1+x1,~z1,kernel=K,tol=1e-8)
       drop <- c(17,19)
       model2 <- regress(y[-drop]~1+x1[-drop],~z1[-drop],kernel=0,tol=1e-8)

  rm(regressDF, regress.output)